As I was sitting in my chair the other day, it occured to me that the world is rapidly turning into a very scary place in which to exist, what with all of these globe-hopping viruses, corrupt men in black, central lending institutions that are more like vacuum cleaners that suck up money, and pawn-manipulating vampires in high hidden-away places, parasites that make Count Dracula look like a beneficient philanthropist by comparison. Oh, I forgot... the holidays are coming upon us, too! Halloween is always scary enough for me, but after the up-coming election I'm not sure if I'm going to be Giving Thanks, or even giving away Christmas presents, so broke do I presently find myself. But as you all well know by now, I myself am not one to complain. Actually though, by the grace of the Gods (among other luminaries) I'm doing okay myself, considering how I really should be doing. Still, I can't help but feel sorry for some of my fellow denizen-haunters of this planet who are finding it hard to keep a roof over their heads, especially with winter fast approaching. If you are one of those unfortunate people who have or are having your livelihoods destroyed as you helplessly watch the world crumble to pieces in front of your very eyes, I would like to helpfully offer you the following platitude: ![]() I hope I'm not being too banal in view of the situation now at hand which, according to some knowledgeable (and much more worldly than I) people who are being derisively written off as "conspiracy theory weirdos," seems to be more or less as stated (in no particular order) in the following list: 1. A "novel" pandemic which appears to have been either fabricated or deliberately forced upon a helpless humanity by a not-so-beneficient or philanthropic "invisible hand" (my apologies to the late Adam Smith) is, according to extremely credible sources such as CNN, the New York Times, U.S. News & World Report, The New York Post, and The National Enquirer (for the more sensationally-oriented readers), altering EVERYONE's former way of life FOREVER. I repeat, this alteration is permanent, if we are to believe some of our finest "experts," Pulitzer Prize-winning economists and journalists. Implicitly, we have been given the word: it's all our depraved, over-consuming fault (not the fault of the depraved invisible handlers, nor of our elected leaders who really should be trying to prevent things like depravity, inflation or runaway over-consumption). 2. While millions of people are being forced out of their homes and onto the mean streets (or into homeless shelters if they're "lucky") because they have been deemed no longer "essential" to the new grand scheme of things, other not-so-lucky, misunderstood, alienated but very "essential" poor little rich boys are reaping massive profits, some by gauging the way the poison wind blows and accordingly making clever "investments" in the stock market (the richest one-percent of U.S. households own over half of the skyrocketing stocks and shares, and have increased their wealth by over one-quarter [more than ten trillion dollars] since Covid-19 began), and also by taking advantage of tax loopholes and government stimulus packages that seem to benefit only them -- but don't worry, some of that money will "trickle down" to us poor little beggars eventually, they say. Also... ![]() 3. Do you think we should maybe include the noble and not-so-self-serving efforts of our ever-growing hoard of governmental "servants" in this little list? Or should we instead thank them for confronting and protecting us from the aforementioned hidden-away money-vampires (wasn't that supposed to be their original purpose, or was I educated improperly?). And while we're thanking people, maybe we should thank the secret vampires themselves for opening our eyes and teaching us not to be naive as to the ways in which the "real" world actually works (i.e., the world that people like them create for us). On behalf of all of us naiveties, I gratefully say: ![]() Hooray for noble parasitism! Not only that, but... oh, there I go being sarcastic and ungrateful again. Stupid horrible me, I just can't seem to stop! Maybe its hearing about and seeing all the sick people living in filth in makeshift shelters, people who are subject to and are themselves spreading vermin such as lice, maggots, cockroaches, rats and other nice things because the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) won't let the sanitation workers clean up the feces and garbage in the homeless camps because if they do, they're going to spread Covid-19! Huh? WTF? Isn't the CDC supposed to protect us from stuff like that, instead of constantly assuring us that wearing breathing-restricting masks for the rest of our lives is the answer to all of our problems? And how, exactly, are "expert" authorities such as the CDC able to so precisely pinpoint just how long this plague is going to last? I myself find that very suspicious, that they can so accurately "predict" how many more years we're going to be subject to this madness -- unless, as the "conspiracy weirdos" allege, they are being told what to tell us by the constituents of The Dracula Dynasty? (Oh hell, I just can't seem to stop with this sarcasm... sorry, bad vampire joke there. I'm going to stop now, I promise.) The media seems to be giving us conflicting reports of the actual cases and deaths involved in this mysterious plague. For example,'s Geoff Brumfiel stated in a 4:42 p.m. October 16th article (Chuck: check date) that Covid-19 deaths are dropping in all age groups... he says there's been an 18% drop since the plague began. However, as anyone that can read will tell you, other very credible sources like are saying just the opposite; cases and deaths are growing at an astronomical rate... 84,000 Americans contracted the virus in one Saturday alone (last October 24, 2020 for posterity), and at least 224,800 Americans have died from the virus. And its all because of Trump not wearing his mask! So let's vote him out, get it? Good. Got it? Not so good, if it's actually true. But who the "F-word" knows what is true anymore? Don't worry, "Science" knows! The new buzz-word in the fight against government corruption is Science, or haven't you noticed how the media has latched onto that word? And as you all know, our spotlessly clean news media tells us who the most credible scientists are now! Like the guys at Scientific American magazine, who just the other day broke with a 175-year old tradition of remaining politically impartial to endorse, can you guess who? Spotlessly clean democrat Joe Biden! Oh, good! Let's hear it for those impartial scientists, especially the ones who assure us that we all came to be here by some incredibly tiny freak chance occurence, while ridiculing anyone, scientist or otherwise, who even thinks Intelligent Design may have had a hand in things. They know there couldn't possibly be an "intelligent creator" because, you see, they are so incredibly smart that they just know everything (like Charles, heh-heh)! Why, these experts could probably create the cosmos all by themselves if they put their minds to it, I bet! I know I could, if I put my mind to it. Well, I probably could, maybe. But getting serious again... people are buying guns and ammo like mad now in the hopes of protecting themselves and their loved ones from whatever unpleasantness is coming, thanks to Dracula, that good old noble count. They're getting scared, and I don't blame them. There is a lot of talk about armed resistance, civil wars and revolution. But my advice is not to try to fight the incoming ocean tide, it's impossible... and you may find yourself drowning. The revolution should be one of enlightenment, education about who the vampires are and how they operate. I believe that if everybody could somehow learn the what, who and how of things, and engage in non-hysterical discourse and action, then we might have a chance to unseat these vamps and dismantle their pyramid of ignoble but very real power. Or at least convince them that it would be in their best interests to change their evil ways... for everybody's benefit. However, it may be too late for that. And as they say, it's Satan's world, anyway... the rest of us just live here. Alas. Oh, so much bad news, and so little time to write about it all! But hey, wasn't there supposed to be a free music video in here somewhere? Okay, okay, I'll stop now, I promise!. Click the link below for your scary music video... and Happy Holidays from Charles! So long for now... Click this link to download Scary Music Video by Charles Adrian Trevino Click here to go back to Index Text Copyright October 2020 by Charles Adrian Trevino. Song "Escape to Andromeda" Copyright March 1999 by Charles Adrian Trevino. Should anyone every doubt the truth of everything Charles says in the pages of this website... you're pretty intelligent, ha ha! But we all need to vent and express ourselves somehow, you know. Thanks for coming... this is |